Environmental Measures環境対策
In the tank terminal business, operators must proactively engage in efforts to promote not just quality and safety but also environmental conservation. Each year, the Maruzen Group drafts a new policy on environmental conservation and sets targets for the attainment of this policy.
- 1) We shall regularly measure the environmental burden imposed by exhaust gas (boilers) and discharged water and verify that gas is exhausted and water is discharged in accordance with the relevant laws, regulations, and agreements.
- We shall ascertain and evaluate the volume of PRTR-related substances that are discharged.
- We shall promote the sorting of general waste products and endeavor to increase our rate of recycling.
- We shall endeavor to protect the environment by evaluating the environmental burden imposed by business activities at our complexes.
- We shall comply with requirements as set forth in laws, regulations, and agreements concerning environmental conservation and endeavor to prevent pollution.
- We shall endeavor to improve our independently managed environmental management system in order to attain our environmental policy.
- We shall promote the recycling of general waste products.
- We shall endeavor to improve the understanding of our environmental policy and raise awareness of the environment on the part of our entire workforce through environmental education.
- We shall endeavor to communicate with members of the local community and concerned government offices with respect to the local environment and thereby contribute to the community.
The Maruzen Group regards issues concerning the local environment and the natural environment of the earth to be important for carrying on a business and will accordingly fulfill our responsibilities as a tank terminal operator.
Maruzen Co., Ltd., has concluded an environmental conservation agreement (PRTR) with the city of Ichikawa.
Ichikawa City’s environmental conservation agreement was established in 2000 with a view to getting business operators to proactively engage in environmental conservation activities on their own according to higher environmental standards in order to promote a shift from conventional environmental management, which involved compliance with environmental laws and regulations, to a focus on the local environment and the environment of the earth itself. The Maruzen Group is proceeding with initiatives to reduce the environmental burden on the local community in accordance with this environmental conservation agreement. We are also proactively involved in environmental conservation activities that we are undertaking in collaboration with the city and members of the local community. The Maruzen Group will also promote environmental conservation and activities designed to foster coexistence with the local community through participation in beautification programs benefiting local neighborhoods and the Tokyo Bay area as organized by the Ichikawa Port Development Council, Katsunan-Seiko-Kai, and other groups.