Our Strengthsわが社の強み

Integrated specialized logistics services
Maruzen, as a provider of integrated, specialized logistics services, utilizes its own assets, including tanks, warehouses, and multi-workstations, to arrange a wide variety of chemical logistics, from customs clearance to storage, operations, analysis, and delivery.
We receive and store large quantities of chemicals, divide them into smaller portions and store them according to customer needs, and then ship and deliver them smoothly and safely. We maintain facilities and systems that can provide this series of services with high quality as a one-stop service.
From our strong base in the Kanto region, we are expanding our storage and delivery services nationwide.

Expanding valuable logistics services from Kanto to throughout the country
As a logistical site, the Kanto region is a solid base for Maruzen. The ease of access is a major strength, and this has led to the expansion of storage and delivery services nationwide.
Promoting 3PL business in various regions throughout Japan. We provide our technology, know-how, and information to build a reliable service network.
Not only do we have our own assets, but we also have partner companies nationwide, from Hokkaido to Kyushu, enabling us to make proposals that meet our customers’ needs.

Beyond Now,Into the Future.
In order to realize a more affluent lifestyle and a sustainable society, a stable and efficient supply of appropriate raw materials and resources is required in all business fields.
Particularly in the modern era, chemicals that are essential for human activities and the production of goods also need to be handled with a high level of safety and quality, necessitating a high level of expertise in their handling.
We at Maruzen Co., Ltd. are one of the few companies capable of fulfilling such a social role.
We support our customers’ business activities with know-how, systems, and new initiatives that go beyond the boundaries of a typical logistics provider.
As a specialized logistics company for chemicals, we are developing an integrated “logistics business” and a “real estate development and management business,” as a provider of urban rental storage space.
From consumer-oriented to corporate-oriented, we provide a wide range of services that leverage the Maruzen Group’s accumulated knowledge and know-how. And, we continue to pursue those possibilities.
We will continue to strive to develop and provide innovative services that respond to the changing times from the customer’s perspective.