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The Maruzen Group has, over the years, promoted the introduction and refurbishment of various cutting-edge equipment and systems in order to stimulate technological advancements in a variety of containers and modes of packing and in the area of logistics itself, taken the environment into account, and accommodated the accelerating rate of business.

Needs in terms of the storage of chemicals are extensive. For this reason, the Maruzen Group’s equipment and systems, including special systems and equipment, are designed and maintained in-house to respond to our clients’ varied demands.

①Ichikawa Complex (Tank facilities)


Yard for organic hazardous materials
1,000KL… 5
600KL… 18
500KL… 5
400KL… 2
300KL… 11
200KL… 4
Total stored amount
23,200KL… 45
Yard for inorganic ordinary materials
1,000KL… 6
600KL… 6
300KL… 3
200KL… 1
Blending tank
20KL… 1
Total stored amount
10,720KL… 17
Refrigeration system
(Production of cooling water for tanks)
Water-heating system
(Production of heated water for the heating of tanks)
Liquefied nitrogen gas storage tank
Dedicated pier for ships
Deadweight tonnage 2,000(D/W)
Length… 77m
Width… 13.2m
Loaded displacement… 4.9m
Pier code… ZY81C

②Ichikawa Complex (Warehousing facilities)


Warehouses for hazardous materials
Automated multi-tier warehouse for hazardous materials 10,000DM
Warehouse for ordinary materials
Mobile racked warehouse for ordinary materials 3,680DM
Level-ground warehouse for ordinary materials 2,300DM
Total 15,980DM

③Kashiwa Complex No. 1


Warehouses for hazardous materials
Level-ground hazardous material warehouse (room temperature) 18,300
Warehouse for ordinary materials
Level-ground warehouse for ordinary materials (room temperature) 12,000
Total 30,300

④Kashiwa Complex No. 2


Warehouses for hazardous materials
Level-ground hazardous material warehouse (room temperature) 12,000
Level-ground hazardous material warehouse (controlled temperature) 3,600
(1,200 x 3 sections in total)
Warehouse for ordinary materials
Level-ground warehouse for ordinary materials (room temperature) 8,500
Level-ground ordinary material warehouse (controlled temperature) 2,000
Total 26,100

⑤Tsukubamirai Warehouse


Warehouses for hazardous materials
Hazardous material warehouse (room temperature) 13,500DM
Total 13,500DM

⑥Goka Complex


Warehouses for hazardous materials
Level-ground hazardous material warehouse (room temperature) 19,000DM
Warehouse for ordinary materials
Level-ground warehouse for ordinary materials (room temperature) 13,000DM
Total 32,000DM